Where is Innovant product manufactured?

Innovant product is manufactured and assembled at our production facility on Long Island, NY, as well as at our partner facilities in the UK and China for European and Asia projects.

What is Innovant’s warranty?

Our standard warranty is 10 years. Extended warranties are sometimes available. 
For further details, Please download Innovant’s Warranty>

What are Innovant Lead Times?

For the most accurate information on Lead Times please contact your dedicated sales representative or contact us here.

Where is Innovant product available for viewing? 

Innovant product is available for viewing by appointment at our New York and Chicago showrooms as well as in our partner showrooms in Hong Kong and Singapore. Contact Innovant for details.

How are Innovant’s products specified?

Innovant provides specification services for clients, dealers & designers. Many standard products are available in REVIT libraries available for download, enabling licensed users to build 2D & 3D drawings of our products and generate list pricing.

What is Innovant’s dealer partnership policy?

Innovant is an Open Line manufacturer. Products sold into the trading desk marketplace can be sold direct by Innovant at our discretion, although many trading desk orders are sold through dealers. The majority of direct sale trading desk orders are in New York and Chicago. A small handful of strategic end-users have furniture contracts directly with Innovant and separate service contracts with their preferred dealers.

What are Innovant’s pricing, discount & freight policies?

Innovant maintains a zoned-structured discount format, offering discounts based on region and total list price. Included in the net price is freight to a local dealer warehouse. On direct sales for trading desk projects, pricing is net and freight is charged separately.

Is Innovant Electrical Product Title 24 Compliant?

Our INNOV-8 multi-circuit system can be specified Title 24 compliant, whether 3+1 or 2+2. The compliance can be met via two scenarios.

Scenario 1: Circuits will be controlled within the building power breaker panel and not within the furniture. In this case, INNOV-8 can be specified as usual. However, Innovant needs to understand which circuit within the system is to be the controlled circuit. All controlled circuit duplex must have an additional decal specified, and may also be specified with an alternative color.

Scenario 2: Should Title 24 requirement be within the furniture and not within the building power breaker panel; this will either be part of a ‘new build’ or ‘retrofit to existing’

For details, Please download the Innov-8™ Title 24 Compliance Document >